Once an adult Other Particpant has been added to ScoutsTracker, linking their login to youth in their family can be completed manually.
1. Select Accounts from the menu.
2. Select Logins from the Roster.
1. Select Accessed Cub/Other Participant beside List by, if not already selected.
2. Select the desired Other Participant.
1. Select the existing Login.
Note: If no login appears, then one can be created selecting Add.
Note: For a new login, the name and email address can be entered at the top of this screen.
1. Select Accessed Youth / Other Participants.
1. Select one or more youth in the list associated with the Other Participant. The Other Participant will be able to see the youth's records, and sign them up for events.
NOTE: Also select the Other Participant's spouse, if they are also an Other Participant. This allows one parent to sign up the whole family for an event.
2. Select Save.
ScoutsTracker will return to the Edit Login screen.
1. Select Save again.
1. Select Logins to return to the main Logins screen.
Select any subsequent Other Participants, as needed.