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How to indicate a youth has already completed badge requirements

Let Scouters know what you or your child has done before outside of Scouting, whether at home, school, clubs or with family

Navigate to the Outdoor Adventure Skills (OAS)

1. If not already on the Home screen, select Home in the top left.
2. Select OAS Stages

Select the Skill

Select one of the 9 skills, e.g. Aquatic Skills

Select a Skill Stage

OAS badges have 9 stages. All youth, no matter their age when they start in Scouting, begin at stage 1.
Select a stage, e.g. Aquatic Skills 1

Select a Competency

1. Check the competency that has been completed (whether at home, school, or elsewhere). e.g. 1.1
2. A dialog will appear to the right. Check Ready to Demonstrate.

Be Prepared!

Note that the competency is now marked with a special checkmark and question symbol. This indicates that the youth is ready to show their leaders (Scouters and/or youth) that they have completed this requirement.

Some Scouting Groups test badge requirements at all meetings, some only at particular meetings. Depending upon how your Scouting Group works, the badge requirement may automatically be tested at the next meeting, or you may get an email asking that the requirement be demonstrated at a certain future meeting. Some Groups will only test for a badge when all the requirements are ready.

OPTIONAL: To see details about what will be tested, select the Show Details link.

Badge Requirement Details

The requirements can be seen.